The Ark
Do you remember Jason Russel....
Kony 2012 filmmaker Jason Russell was moving at a frenetic pace, crisscrossing the country doing interviews and making appearances, trying to keep up with the viral success of his campaign.
And then came the naked public meltdown on a San Diego street that was captured on video.
He addressed the bizarre incident in a new video he hopes will bring interest and action back to Kony 2012, a campaign that calls for the arrest of alleged Ugandan warlord Joseph Kony.
"My mind betrayed me and I was hospitalized," Russell said in the new video. "If you're put in the position to give answers to every question a dozen times over, your mind starts to lose track of where you are, if you've slept, who's for you, who's against you."
Since then I’ve heard him speak and talk about what he went
through. It blows my mind. It puts fear in my heart. It makes me question,
“Lord am I the right guy for this job? Am I ready for the national stage, for
national scrutiny?” I don’t know. It’s scary to think about. You know after
hearing his story I got on my knees and I prayed to God and I wept over this.
Lord protect me. Protect this project. Protect what we’re trying to do here. I
don’t know…
I’m easily distracted. My heart is fickle.
Beyond that, so many times I want the glory. I want the glory. I want people to
look at me and think "Look at what Steve has done". I was on Skype with Fred the other day,
Fred from Uzima. And he said this, he like, “I’m excited to get done with 60
years of ministry together and to look back at what God has done. To be able stand
together and look back at what God has done over the last 60 years.” And I
gotta tell ya man that was so humbling. It was so exciting.
I guess my fear is like am I ready for the national stage?
Is this project ready for national scrutiny? Can I handle it? And I don’t know.
I’m scared of it. For the first time in this project I’m actually scared and
it’s not because of a wild beast eating me or getting hit by a car or getting
attacked by somebody or whatever. This is like a legitimate fear of failure. Or
not meeting some standard…or I don’t know…but I’ve been questioning God if I’m
the right man for the job.
This whole last year the theme was
never say no. Never say no to any request on this project. And I learned a lot
and I got to do a lot. But something I realized was I wasn’t being the capitan
of the ship. I was letting outside influences determine the course of my
project. I wasn’t staying focused on my task. And I need to put boundaries in
place to protect this, to protect the project, to protect myself, to protect
Uzima. Maybe its cynical to think that there are
people or that there are forces working against this project at some level, but
I’m a Christian, I am doing this for the Lord, and I absolutely believe that
the enemy wants to stop what I’m doing and what we’re doing.
And I think looking at this Jason Russell, Invisible
Children and Joseph Kony thing it hit me. Hard. It put it into perspective. The
reality of what is going on here. If last year was about never say no, this
year is about being a better steward of the project. This year is about being a
better leader. This is about being a better manager of what God has given me
and what’s in front of me.
You know, I’ve always wanted to be a leader. I think on some
level I’ve always wanted to be leading and the Captain of the ship,
I guess. Soy capitán! But I think now that I’m here, I realize the cost of
it. I realize that it’s just not about being the one in charge. It’s about
being the one that is responsible for it all. Now I know, listen I’ve heard it
all, I have heard all the, ya know, “with great power comes great
responsibility” or ya know…whatever leadership you can think of, I’ve heard
them. But I’ve never understood it until I was here where there is actual,
legitimate cost. People, the children, the rehab, my best friend,
there is a lot on the line here. Not that I didn’t take it seriously, but I just... Maybe I didn’t see how
fragile it is, I guess. With that said though, with the fear of
being in leadership, with the fear of the national stage, I guess, I am very,
very, very hopeful. Needle2Square is going through some big changes. We’ve had
to grow as the need has grown in Africa. We’re having to change focus a little
bit. Change the focus of the message because things are different now. As the
leaders, as ST and I have talked about it, as my board has talked about it, and
his board, and Fred and I… Ya know, we’re having to make some big changes
because things are changing. The need is changing there over in
Africa. The need has gotten bigger and broader. Ya know, the involvement of
everybody else has opened more possibilities. I’ve needed to
create a better infrastructure for my project a better way of doing things and that’s really
exciting. And I’m very hopeful. And I honestly feel like this is the year. This
is the year that... God’s going to do something and that’s scary.
I’m gonna quickly read something…
I’m going to try
to apply how I feel to a story in the Bible. It’s Noah’s Ark. So God tells Noah
he’s gonna to flood the earth and he says I need you to build an ark. And I’m
going to read to you what God tells him to build.
First of all, this is the very first boat in the history of
mankind. This is the first ark. And God is giving the plans to Noah. So, God
who knows everything, knows it all, gives the blueprints of building this ark
to Noah. I’m gonna read it and I’m gonna explain how I
feel and what I’m thinking.
So it’s Genesis Chapter 6, and verse 14 is where I’m going to
pick up:
4 So make yourself an ark of cypress[c] wood; make rooms in it and coat
it with pitch inside and out. 15 This is how you are to build it: The ark
is to be three hundred cubits long, fifty cubits wide and thirty cubits high.[d] 16 Make a roof for it, leaving below the roof
an opening one cubit[e] high all around.[f] Put a door in the side of
the ark and make lower, middle and upper decks.
What I find so interesting about this boat. The
very boat that God told him to build, doesn’t have a rudder and it
doesn’t have a compass or even a sail. The very boat, first boat in history doesn’t have a way
to steer, and doesn’t have a way to navigate where you are going. Doesn’t have a
compass. And honestly, that’s how I feel like this project is sometimes. I honestly feel like sometimes Im drifting in flood waters “I’m out here, God. I’ve done what
you’ve asked me to do. You didn’t give me the tools I needed to succeed, God.
All I got is this goat. And now I’ve got the Bell’s Palsy. I have to talk; to
be able to communicate CLEARLY. And not look like a crazy person or like I’m
handicapped. My project is already weird enough. I’m walking across America
with a goat and now I got a handicap, now I got this droopy face. God, do you
hear me? I’m doing what you told me to do!"
And you start thinking, “Did I miss a step? Did I forget something in the blueprints? Did I not hear God right? There’s not the proper tools here! I can’t steer this thing! There’s no wind, there’s no sail. How we gonna get anywhere? There’s no compass! I don’t know where I’m going!”
Have you ever felt like that? I think about being on the boat; Im Noah and my son Ham comes up and says, “Okay, what’s next? How do we
get there?” You start looking for the steering wheel and everybody is looking
to you for leadership. “How do we steer this thing? How we gonna make this
work? How we gonna get anywhere?”
right now this is the words that are constantly in the back playing in my head “I’m not raising the money. It’s not working. How ya gonna
do this, Steve?”
lets go back to the story of the ark.
What’s the bird that Noah sends out? It’s the dove. And what
is the branch that it brings back? It is the olive branch. And throughout
history what do those represent? In the bible, the dove represents the Holy
Spirit. In the Bible, the olive branch in peace.
here it is... heres my hope... here is the answer to how Im going to do it...
All I have is the GOD. Ill I have his the Holy Spirit bringing me peace. It’s gonna
get done. I have no other assurances that is gonna happen. All I have is the
Holy Spirit bringing me peace and that’s it. We’re not raising a lot of money
right now and it can be discouraging. It can be very discouraging. All I have
is the Holy Spirit. All I have is God right now. That’s it.
My prayer is that the Lord makes me ready. If the Lord is going to make this thing a national story, if this is going to make it, make it big, then Lord make me ready.