I am looking out the window of an air plane, watching the sunrise over the clouds. It's really quite a sight. I left Seattle at 5am this morning and I'm headed to Dallas to meet up with a band called "Spoken" to tour with them as their merch guy for five week. The tour starts in Texas and crosses the States up to Canada. Most of the shows are already sold out so It should be a good time. I pretty much get paid to just hang out and I have to say after being around barn animals the past few months, this is like a vacation. I'm so excited to be back on the road, meeting new people and promoting Needle2Square and Uzima.
I'll some-up the last few months in one word....WORK! Doing my best to get as much money as I can saved up for the next part of the walk. I started out working at a call center selling home security systems in the Seattle area... MAN DID THAT SUCK! It was cold calls... "Hi my name is Steve, I'm calling from Gaylord security your local authorized ADT dealer is ....... there?" Getting cussed out and hung up on all day long was the worst. I'm just not a salesman. I don't have that kind of hustle (by the way if I called you, I'm sorry).
That job was short lived and I soon moved on to working at a barn. In all honesty I liked it....well kind of....for the most part. I learned two important things while working there. Firstly, I would much rather do a manual labor job then an office job. Secondly, I am the opposite of the horse whisperer. I thought after spending a few months with Leeroy, I'd know how to handle a horse but come to find out... I'm just not a horse guy. I seem to make a lot of mistakes. Like for example, a couple of times the horses got loose. The first time I had help to catch them, but the second and third time it was all me. Now in case you didn't know, horses are big. Way bigger then goats. You really don't understand that till they are freaked out and start running around all crazy bucking and kicking. I never got kicked (THANK GOD) but more than a few times, a horse would be running at me full speed and I had no idea what to do. I just started yelling at them while waving my arms, " HEY CHILL OUT MAN!!! " Like you can reason with a horse. I would be trying to figure out how to put on a haulter and I would talk to the horse, "Do you know how this goes?" but they never did.
At that point I realized I have been spending more time with animals then people. How did that happen? I would open the barn in the morning and the first words out of my mouth were "good morning Peaches". Peaches was a little pony in the first stall by the door. The job was simple... kind of. Feeding, water, cleaning and turning out the horses. Then bringing them all back in and feeding again. There were a lot of horses so this was an all day job. The farm life is not a 9-5. Its more like a before the sunrises till well after the sun sets kind of job. It was actually an Equestrian Center so there was always something that needed fixing or maintenance in some way. I don't really know how to fix anything so I wasn't much of a "handyman" but I would go get a load of hay every week. Load it and unload it...things like that. I have to say, the horse game is not nearly as fun if you don't ride horses. I think I got on a horse one time for all of five minutes.
Well, I'm about to land in Phoenix for my connection to Dallas. Tonight is the first show of the tour and I'm really stoked to see my boy Matt. I definitely feel blessed!